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Şimal Güvencesiyle Lisanslı Depoculuk

Şimal Güvencesiyle Lisanslı Depoculuk

Licensed Warehousing

What is the System?

Preventing price decreases due to the accumulation of supply in agricultural products during harvest periods and balancing the market, Small farmers and product owners, especially those who have financial difficulties, obtaining loans and financing from banks through product bills they receive in return for the products they give to licensed warehouses, Agricultural products trade based on products with universally accepted standards. Encouraging quality production, creating a safe market, registering the trade in agricultural products,

Licensed Warehousing

Benefits Provided

Regulating product supply during harvest periods and reducing price fluctuations

Access to finance for small farmers and ease of credit for product owners

Encouraging quality production in accordance with standards and creating a safe trade area

Registration of trade in agricultural products

Increasing the effectiveness of agricultural reform and the participation of the private sector

For more information

You can contact us
